Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Haul!

So while some will undoubtedly think this haul is just an attempt to brag about what gifts I was lucky enough to receive, that's really not it. I'm just incredibly excited, and my fiance, while happy for me, just does not understand the happiness a black box can bring. Also, one of my personal favorite types of blogs to read is a haul (and what's in my bag), so there. You think I'm bragging? Fine, don't read. Won't bother me, I promise.

And now onto to the haulage!

Firstly, some reading material. My dad gave me "Digital Sports Photography," by G.Newman Lowrance. My dad is an avid, and amazing! photographer and camera collector. When I was in high school, he kindled quite the interest in photography and photo editing in me, which later became eclipsed by my sudden passion for make-up artistry. Recently though, I've decided to delve again into the complicated (to my mind), world of lighting, exposures and all other things photo-related (how Francios Nars of me, no?) Knowing this, and having given into my care a professional, though slightly battered, amazingly powerful (and heavy) camera, he thought that I would learn something from these books. I've yet to read them, as the past two days have been a whirlwind of present unwrapping and feasting, and now work, but I'm very excited to study the glossy pages and hope to absorb some of the wisdom of those masters of the lense. Maybe I'll post some of my efforts here....I was also lucky enough to receive "Make Up Your Mind," by the talented NARS founder himself, Francios Nars, as well as "Face Forward" and "Making Faces" by the legendary Kevyn Aucion. I've wanted all three of these for some time now, and never got around to ordering them (my local borders NEVER has them in stock). So much inspiration is to be found between their covers...if only I had more friends in my new town to model for me. Ah well.
Making Faces:
Face Forward:

Make Up Your Mind:

Now onto the assorted cosmetic and beauty-related items I begged Santa for.
--YSL's Parisienne parfum--yes, I've wanted this since I seen the incredibly sexy and glamorous commercials featuring the amazing Kate Moss--before I even smelled it! Having tried it on at Nordstrom's, I could not picture my life without it. It's so sexy, sweet, floral: the essence of a young woman living life to the fullest. I know I sound like an ad, but really, do try it; the way it smells is just as fabulous as the way it makes you feel.

--Several MAC goodies: Naughty Noir eye bag (I wanted this primarily for the full-sized Shimmertime pigment included, but am adoring the travel-sized 109 and Zoomlash mascara and full-sized Fluidline--I have a multitude of fluidlines, but now this one sits happy in my purse along with some duo, feline kohl power, the 109 and zoomlash ((in the mini silver bag with turquoise detailing included with the set, of course)), which is perfect for lash mishaps, or a quick winged liner and extra mascara if I find myself needing to amp up my look for whatever reason.) The House of Mirth deep lip bag which contains a small Cedar lip pencil (which is my new love--so beautiful on!), Fantasia lipstick (l.e., of course) and Get Rich Quick dazzleglass, which I already knew I loved. The Fun in the Sun mineralized set which contained a full-sized Play on Plums shadow, Nuance blush, Shimpagne mineralized skinfinish (my main reasoning for lusting after this), and an SE181. I also got the Haute Hijinks warm mini pigment set, containing mini sizes of Reflects Gold Glitter, Museum Bronze, Copperized, Rushmetal and Jardin Aires pigments. I'm very happy about that seeing as my tiny samples of Rushmetal and Jardin Aires and basically gone!Jingle Jangle dazzleglass and Surprise Me lipstick from the holiday color collection as well--both gorgeous colors; Jingle Jangle being bright pink and Surprise Me being an intense pinky coral. All items can be found here:

--Bare Escentuals Buxom Lips in Katie: sounds rather random, considering my known dislike for Bare Escentuals products, but truth be told, I do love their Buxom Lips gloss. Very pretty colors, not sticky, great texture and the plumping effect is to die for! A supremely mentholy feeling that last for hours, rather than minutes, like MAC plushglass. This color is a soft baby pink with silvery glitters. Great everyday color.

--Model in a Bottle (the original formula). I've wanted this for a long time, but again, never got around to ordering it. I wanted it even more after MakeupGeekTV (Marlena!) reviewed it and loved it. As for the usefulness of the product, my makeup has been on for almost 6 hours at this point, and while being a bit shiny (that's due to my over the top use of Shimpagne this morning--really what possessed me to dust it all over my forehead?) it hasn't moved around AT ALL--even after eating, sneezing, resting my face on my hands, etc, and I've yet to touch up. Huzzah! For those curious, it will not replace your Fix+. Fix+ will rehydrate and refresh your makeup and can be used however many times you want; MIAB is applied once, right after your makeup application, and creates a sweat, tear and smudge-proof makeup--and yes, even eye makeup--it's hairspray for your face! For those sensitive to smells, order the Sensitive version. The original has a strong smell, rather floraly or something, which doesn't happen to bother me, but it would bother someone sensitive to scent. I strongly recommend this product.

--NARS blushes in Deep Throat and Lovejoy. Beautiful products, each of them. Deep Throat is very similar to Orgasm, but slightly deeper and less pink. Lovejoy is gorgeous pinky bronzey awesomeness. I adore them both--and have renewed my pledge to own every single NARS blush. I can't help it. I really do need therapy.

--Make-Up Forever concealer palette in No. 1! I've really wanted to try this out for a while, and I gave it a whirl this morning, and so far I like it. It's very creamy and easy to work with, but it does dry town and stay put, which is great. I'm not sure if I got the right color yet, or not. I love the green and peach correctors, but I feel like the other 3 shades may be a bit light. I'm going to compare it to No. 2 when I go to Sephora later this week.

--Several pairs of pjs: I have an obsession with lounge wear, and the whole family knows it.
--A new coffemaker! A Cuisinart, complete with two cute Starbucks mugs and some Christmas blend (probably my favorite coffee ever). This is the "family coffee maker"--my in-laws have it and we all lust over it, so when my fiance's brother got married, they got one and now we have one too! It's amazing. It's of course programmable, and you can even decide if you want a stronger brew by pushing a button! The best part is that it's self-grinding: simply pour in your water, pour in the whole beans of your choice, and it grinds them, measures out the perfect amount to go with your desired strength and amount of water, and presto! Instant awesomeness. I used it this morning and I really, really heart it. You can find it (on sale right now!) here:
--I also received some lovely jewelry, including some that was handmade for me by my fiance's aunt! That makes it all the more beautiful and special.
--Several ornaments including Cinderella and a diet coke can! I love collecting ornaments. Oooh, and a super nice tree skirt. It's adorable!!
--My fiance was also generous enough to get me a present after just buying me a car three weeks ago (it wasn't my fault! My other car was ready to explode....the engine made very ominous sounds, lol.) He got me this Marciano bag I've wanted for a while now, especially after I saw it on an episode of Gossip Girl! Hell yes! I got mine in chocolate (he even knew I'd been wanting a chocolate bag, wow. What did I do to deserve him?) and you can find it here--and it's ON SALE!! Go buy it now!!
He is also taking me to get some of the products from the new launch by MAC, Warm & Cozy. He knows I've really been excited about it, so he's going to take me shopping :). He's also going to treat me to some NARS loose powder (I've heard its fabulous and have been really wanting to try it), and their Sheer Glow foundation (lollipop26's influence again!). I may pick up some mascara, too. I'm running out, and can't decide what to get...I may go back to my all-time favorite, Diorshow, or maybe try something else..MUFE smokey lash is great too. I've heard good things about so many--it's impossible to decide! Maybe I'll get the lash stash instead, so I can test drive some...any recommendations?

Despite all the hardships that our family has been through this year, this was an absolutely amazing Christmas. We were so blessed to be able spend time together, laughing and having fun, enjoying the incredible feast that my father-in-law made for us on Christmas Day, as well as the spectacular repast my mother served on  Christmas Eve. We are so lucky to be able to spend our time together, and to show each other how much we love and appreciate each other through fun, thoughtful and amazing gifts. I feel so blessed, thankful and grateful to be living the life that I am, and to be surrounded by such special, generous and loving people.

How was your holiday? What fun things did you get (or even give!)?

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you got lots of awesome gifts!!! Merry Christmas!
